The Eternal Soul

I recently heard an abortion advocate declare that during the first period of gestation, the fetus is less than one half inch so what is lost by removing the fetus at this time?  The answer is in the tiny acorn.  There is not a biologist in the world that will declare that planting and growing the acorn will result in anything other than an oak tree.  The point is that the size of the seed does not change the outcome.

The flip side of the discussion is that the only way to get an oak tree is by starting with an acorn.  This implies that if a specific species is desired from the gestation process, the seed must represent the species.  Often, it is said that during the gestation process the fetus appears to be a tadpole, a baby frog.  However, the fetus never ends up being a tadpole or a frog, it ends up as a human being so what causes the miraculous change from tadpole to human?  Is it possible that a frog could end up being the final product?

When considering the ideology of the abortion advocates, which science are they using to advocate their position?  You cannot ignore the basic biology that defines that an acorn will be an oak tree and this transformation does not occur the moment that the sprout breaks the topsoil, the moment that the sprout is exposed to light.  If it can be determined what the final species will be, then we can identify the species from the moment that the DNA is formed.  While the oak can be determined from the acorn, the human baby can be determined from the fetus.  Remember, the fetus contains a complete DNA, formed from the combination of the egg and sperm, creating a unique DNA, a combination that has never existed before.

Perhaps the answer to the question is more an analysis of the growth cycle of the fetus, not just for humans but for most animals including frogs.  It is important to remember that the gestation period of the frog is composed of two cycles with cycle one being in the egg and cycle two is outside the egg.   But even if the frog fetus appears to be a tadpole, if given the opportunity, that tadpole will result in a fully formed frog and the tadpole disappears, how is this change possible?

Let's consider a theory: the shape of the tadpole is the most effect starting point for the growth of any species that incorporates a spine.  Consider a human fetus that begins the process of growth, not simply maintenance after reaching adulthood.  The growing process develops a shape which incorporates the spine and the brain, first.  These two components are the building blocks for the rest of the body and will require the greatest level of development and connectivity.  At this time, with the addition of the heart in the central cavity, the fetus resembles a tadpole with the long spine, the brain and the heart with the beginning of the lungs.  However, the image of the tadpole only exists because the tadpole had been visually identified outside of the egg, continuing the development into the frog where the tadpole tail transforms into the hind legs.

We can conclude that the fetus is never going to transform into a frog, it is going to go through a stage of development where the resemblance to another species is possible.  But this is the important part, the human species has never started as a fully formed human only in extreme miniature.  The fetus represents a growth pattern that exists in every other mammal, in that a fetus begins as a small group of cells that complete an incredible engineering feat that is almost unnoticed.  Consider, starting with the merger of the egg and the sperm, a single cell organism does not keep growing becoming a blob, but instead that single cell splits into two cells, then four cells and on and on.  Interestingly, these cells are not just duplicates of the cell they split from, they take on the characteristics of the cell functions they are intended to be.  

Here is the interesting part, the fetus does not just keep adding cells on the exterior of the blob, but a complex change in character happens all through the fetus where new cells, deep in the body, form muscles and bone and arteries through a carefully planned conversion of cells into specific functions.  This process is no more complicated than the construction of a skyscraper, and in some ways, more so.  If you are familiar with the process of construction, even on a small scale, the process places support structures in place that are fully formed, the studs in the walls are not inserted 2 feet long with the belief that it will grow to the standard 8 feet over time.  This is not possible because it would require the constant adjustment to every stud, the drywall on every wall, the exterior stucco, the placement and support of the roof.  Then throw on top of all of those challenges the addition of the electrical wiring, the plumbing, the air handlers, windows and doors.  

No, the best engineering that we can do creates a blueprint where every component is fully formed and put in place.  But the blueprint is the engineering plan to take the various raw materials and, by placing them in very specific relationship to each other, form a building.  The fetus takes raw materials and enhances the cells in the body, each with what it needs to prepare for the next level of growth.  

So, knowing that the fetus performs engineering skills that are beyond the capabilities of our best builders, the real question is one of life.  At what point does the spark of life begin?  If we conclude that each species can only replicate their own species then the spark of life begins the moment the egg and sperm come together to form a new cell.  At this moment, there is a new organism with a 'blueprint' that has not existed before and the spark of life exists because the sperm and egg are the result of two humans contributing something from each of them.

If we throw the soul into the question, can we assume that the soul exists at that moment of conception between the egg and sperm?  The answer, logically, is 'Yes'.  The reason is based more on the contention that the switch between life and death is the soul maintaining the life force.  The soul provides the fetus with purpose – the development into a viable human instead of a brain dead mass.  The history is filled with examples where the fetus has survived against all odds.   

This is a difficult concept to discuss because of the conflicting issues.  First, we have yet to find the soul as a part of the human body which brings us back to the concept that the soul exists in a different dimension than the living body.

The real question is whether or not ghosts are real or figments of the imagination.  There are a couple of options, as in everything else.  If the assumption is made that the soul actually exists even though it cannot be seen or found, then there is a possibility that ghosts can exist.  But the question still exists – how?

Consider a couple of options.  Is it possible that further consideration is given to the concept presented earlier that the soul is comprised of massless subatomic particles and how this can result in the existence of the soul?  If this is the case, then the ghost can be the aura of the soul as determined by the particles that comprise the soul.  The human senses are incapable of observing the existence of frequencies outside of specific ranges but there are those special people that claim to be able to see an aura around a person.  This aura, of the soul after the body has died could be the source of the ghost.  Assuming that the soul is comprised of massless particles, it is also possible to assume that the soul takes on the shape of the last physical body that it was connected to, or perhaps, inhabited.  If this is the case, then if someone observed the aura of the soul, it would be in the shape of the last body and appear to be a ghost.

The second option is that the soul actually exists in a parallel dimension and is connected to the physical body during the life cycle.  This would also bring us back to the concept that the soul assumes the form of the body it is connected to.  This is not unreasonable the more the soul plays the part of the physical body.  When you don't care about something, you are often distant and do not want to be associated more than absolutely necessary, but on the other hand, if you are committed to the maximum experience, you will immerse yourself in the role and assume the character traits of the body.  This option makes sense because the intent of the body and soul combination is to give the soul the opportunity to experience and grow.  This cannot be done without the relationship.  

In either case, the soul assumes the shape of the latest body, in much the way that a chameleon can change color to match the surrounding.  For anyone that prefers the science fiction scenarios, remember the plot of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the ‘pods’.  Bear in mind that the soul has no choice in the shape of the body because this is determined through the DNA so, over generations, a soul can change multiple times.

Physicists have proposed that more than 10 dimensions exist.  What this means is that the soul can exist in one dimension while the physical body exists in another dimension.  The issue is whether or not there are ways for the soul to move between dimensions?  However, if the soul is comprised of massless particles then we would be back to the ability of human senses to observe this.  Interestingly, the concept of a being of massless particles could possibly create many of the phenomenon associated with seeing a ghost.  The cold resembles a phase of matter adjustment as the movement of other atoms are reduced (creating cold) while the particles shift.

In order to fully appreciate the entire issue of the soul, it is needed that you consider an optional sequence of events in the life cycle of the soul taking into account all of the hypothetical options that have been presented.  First, the soul is created, or born.  No, it is impossible to guess right now but in much the same way that primordial stew results in life, the soul is born – isn't that the silliest thing you have ever heard?  Returning to a point made earlier, life begets life.  In other words, the new soul is born of the life that exists in the dimension of the soul, the Supreme Being in this dimension and his eternal mate.  In much the same way as a human conception, the soul is born.  

One prospect is that the soul is born in an environment of complete knowledge, remember we are talking about the existence based on massless particles.  The soul begins its cycle and enters the first physical body.  The big difference is that the moment of conception places the knowledge of soul in stasis because taking this knowledge into the body would eliminate the need to learn and grow through experience and mistakes.

Many religions bring to bear the concept of karma without having an actual application, little knowing that the concept applies to the soul during its experience in the physical world.  Each person has a choice to make positive contributions to the world or negative impacts, as if they are building up a score in the hereafter, but instead, the impact of these choices adds or detracts from the karma of the soul and this karma is what the soul takes with it when returning to its dimension after the death of the body.  This karma accumulates or shrinks based on the result of the physical experience.

This karma creates the increase or decrease in the energy of the soul, and through perfection, the energy of the soul becomes self-sustaining and the soul can strike out on its own.  Did you grasp the restriction that underlies this concept – the soul cannot be self-sustaining until it reaches that point and must rely on the support of others or perhaps a Supreme Being while growing and becoming self-sustaining.  

Each physical reincarnation is the result of the previous life cycles, all of them, in that the soul judges itself.  This is accomplished thanks to two impacts, first is the karma that results from the physical life cycle and the second is the return of the all-encompassing knowledge, in which all bias and prejudice is removed and the soul can look at itself through objective vision.  Perhaps it is this all-encompassing knowledge that drives the soul to return to each reincarnation with a determination to reach the point of perfection, knowing what is possible.

Each religion brings a small kernel of truth into the discussion and supports the hypothesis of the soul.  Perhaps this was intentional, requiring each soul to pass through the introduction of each religion to learn what is needed in the growth in karma of the soul.  However, the issue comes back to the link of the soul to the body.  It is viable to assume that at the moment of conception, the soul becomes tied to the physical body.   It is also viable to assume that at this moment of connection, the soul must ‘re-set’ into a new being carrying forward nothing from a previous existence.

The issue comes back to the need to prove one is worthy to move to the next level of existence.  If the soul could rely on the experiences of the past, then the test would be tainted.  
The Eternal Soul
The Eternal Soul
The Eternal Soul